3 Reasons To Call A Workers Compensation Lawyer
When an employee is injured or becomes ill because of a work-related incident, they may be eligible for insurance benefits that are often referred to collectively as workers compensation. These are meant to cover lost wages and, in some cases, rehabilitation. Unfortunately, it is often the case that many employees who may be rightfully eligible for workers compensation are nonetheless denied it. In these cases, it is usually best to contact a workers compensation lawyer. Take a look below to learn more about just a few of the most common examples of situations that demand legal representation.
Satisfying a Request of Proof
Stating that you were injured at work and that the same injury is preventing you from working is simply not enough to claim workers compensation benefits. Insurance companies will request proof in various forms in order to approve your application, and this proof may be difficult to obtain without the expert assistance of an attorney. This is especially true if you have a preexisting condition — it is in the best interest of insurance providers to claim that it was this condition, and not your injury, that is the root cause of your absence from work.
Dealing with Employer Retaliation
In a perfect world, all employers would be completely fine providing workers compensation to their employees who happen to be injured on the job. But the unfortunate reality is that many employers will retaliate in a number of ways if an employee claims workers comp benefits. They may threaten to demote employees if they do not return to work, reduce their hours once they do return, or in severe cases, fire them outright. If you have experienced any of the above (or similar retaliatory actions) on behalf of your employer, contact an attorney as soon as possible.
Paying for Additional Medical Expenses
Not all workers compensation cases remain unchanged throughout the course of the injury. The injury may become aggravated, for example, and doctors may recommend additional treatment. A recovery timeline may also stall and be subsequently revised as a result. In either case, you may find it difficult to argue for an extension of workers compensation benefits without an attorney who can prove that the extension is fundamentally necessary. Be sure to consult with a lawyer if you are in need of an extension; doing so could save you a significant amount of time, money, and hassle.
Contact a workers compensation lawyer to learn more.